# vuepress-blog

VuePress generates pre-rendered static HTML for each page, and runs as an SPA once a page is loaded.

~ Anonymous

After setting the dirname to blog directory


vue router

How to assign LAyouts to new blog pages?

  • theme directory to create a new theme with Layout.vue
    • will override default theme


debug vue routes using vue devtools - routes

  • pagination layout in pagition setting section
    • links to posts and control length
    • null on other pages
// vuepress-plugin-blog configuration
        directories: [
            // Unique ID of current classification
            id: 'post',
            // Target directory
            dirname: 'posts',
            // Path of the `entry page` (or `list page`)
            path: '/post/',
            layout: 'IndexPost',
            itemLayout: 'PagePost',
            itemPermalink: '/post/:year/:month/:day/:slug',
            // Pagination
            pagination: {
              lengthPerPage: 2,
              prevText: 'Prev',
              nextText: 'Next',
              layout: 'PagePost',

Filter blog post pages

    <li v-for="item in filteredPosts" :key="item.title">
      <a href="item.regularPath">
        {{ item.title }}

export default {
  data: () => ({
    title: "Post Index Layout",
    postsDir: "posts",
  computed: {
    filteredPosts() {
      let posts = []
      const pattern = new RegExp(this.postsDir, 'gi');
      this.$site.pages.filter((page) => {
        if (page.regularPath.match(pattern)) {
      console.log(typeof posts, posts);
      return posts

vuepress blog plugin directory structure

# Resources

# Blog theme vs default theme

# Blog Theme

# Default Theme

# Resources

# Pagination

# Vuepress

  • All images in public folder
  • Documentation websites, present how to write code
  • Google Analytics
  • READNE.md translates to index.html
  • How do we get a Sidebar?
  • vuepress is still a SPA
    • navigating inside the same application, faster
    • same goodie for SEO
  • vuejs - frontend framework
    • uses vue SSR server side rendering capabilities to genetate HTML
    • runs both on server and client
  • vuepress skips server part
  • JS is fetched onces, thats why we see loading bar only once
  • Responsive Layout
  • Service Workers
    • locally cached
  • Embed interactive vue components into your markdown
  • Use noramal HTML
  • Register components in .vuepress/components folder
  • $site - metadata for the entire website
  • Use relative url


The <pre> tag defines preformatted text.

  "title": "vuepress",
  "frontmatter": {
    "title": "vuepress",
    "lang": "en-US",
    "tags": [
    "meta": [
        "name": "description",
        "content": "hello"
        "name": "keywords",
        "content": "super duper SEO"
        "name": "monetization",
        "content": "$ilp.uphold.com/dbMJJJYzNHb6"
        "property": "article:modified_time",
        "content": "2020-08-29T16:55:46.000Z"
        "property": "og:site_name",
        "content": "Avi Mehenwal"
        "property": "og:title",
        "content": "vuepress"
        "property": "og:type",
        "content": "website"
        "property": "og:url",
        "content": "/posts/vuepress.html"
        "name": "twitter:title",
        "content": "vuepress"
        "name": "twitter:url",
        "content": "/posts/vuepress.html"
        "name": "twitter:card",
        "content": "summary_large_image"
        "name": "twitter:label1",
        "content": "Written by"
        "name": "twitter:label2",
        "content": "Filed under"
        "name": "twitter:data2",
        "content": "static, site, generator"
        "property": "article:tag",
        "content": "static"
        "property": "article:tag",
        "content": "site"
        "property": "article:tag",
        "content": "generator"
    "readingShow": "top"
  "regularPath": "/posts/vuepress.html",
  "relativePath": "posts/vuepress.md",
  "key": "v-f2df0a80",
  "path": "/posts/vuepress.html",
  "headers": [
      "level": 3,
      "title": "Resources",
      "slug": "resources"
      "level": 2,
      "title": "Blog theme vs default theme",
      "slug": "blog-theme-vs-default-theme"
      "level": 3,
      "title": "Blog Theme",
      "slug": "blog-theme"
      "level": 3,
      "title": "Default Theme",
      "slug": "default-theme"
      "level": 2,
      "title": "Resources",
      "slug": "resources-2"
      "level": 2,
      "title": "Vuepress",
      "slug": "vuepress"
      "level": 3,
      "title": "Special README.md file",
      "slug": "special-readme-md-file"
  "lastUpdated": "8/29/2020, 4:55:46 PM"
Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3

# Special README.md file

A subdirectory is invisible to VuePress unless it has a README.md in it. Those README.md files can be blank

The root README.md file must start with a header. It doesn't have to be an H1 (# as shown above) but it should be either H2 (##) or H3 (###) for proper generation of search indexes and sidebars.