# Culture

  • Path of Seeking - Gyana marga
  • The World Teacher Project

# Occult

Time Stamps:

  1. Nothing in This Book is True - 01:06
  2. The Kybalion 01:53
  3. The Book of Alchemy - 02:55
  4. Alchemy & Mysticism - 03:53
  5. The Secret Teachings of All Ages - 05:50
  6. Morals and Dogma - 07:37
  7. The Golden Dawn - 09:48
  8. The Book of Lies - 12:38
  9. 777 - 13:12
  10. Liber ABA - 14:12

# Old Testament

Old testament timeline

  • Genesis and creation
    • Adam and Eve and forbidden fruit
  • Noah and his Arc
    • Noah's descendents
    • Jacob - Isreal
    • Issac
  • Moses
    • Mt Sinai - 10 commendments
  • David defeats Goliath
    • Sons Solomon
  • Jews - Babylonian Exile
  • Alexander takes whole known world (at that time) in 7 years
  • Roman Empire
  • Jesus was born and there comes the New Testament

# Leadership

  1. Religious Leadership
    1. church
    2. puppet king
  2. Military Leadership
    1. Saddam hussain
  3. Democratic Leadership
  4. Economic Leadership
    1. business owners are making political decisions
  • Democratic leadership is trinsitioning towards economic leadership (people driven by personal desires)
  • criminals are also businessmen (driven by personal desires) and not following the law
  • Rules of business - everyone should be benifitted
  • Socialist economy to economic economy, humanity is not ready for such great ideas.
  • Keep your deadlines sacred
  • World History CHarts

# Resources

  • or
  • Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee